In how many persons does this one God exist?
God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in essence, power, and glory.
(Matt 3:16, 17; John 5:23; 10:30; 14:9, 10; 15:26; 16:13–15; 1 John 5:20; Rev 1:4, 5)
Memory Verse
2 Cor 13:14
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Song of the Week
Doxology by The Worship Initiative feat. Shane and Shane | LIVE from The Gospel Coalition
Weekly Reading
God Saves His People
Day 36: Let My People Go
Exodus 5:1–6:13
Questions for Reflection
- Why did God providentially arrange for his people to be put in bondage, for their deliverer to be someone who lacked eloquence,
- and for Pharaoh to be so defiant?
- How do seemingly unsolvable circumstances lead us to trust in God?
- Have difficult circumstances in your life ever tempted you to distrust God’s promises?
Day 37: The First Seven Plagues
Exodus 7–9
Questions for Reflection
- How did the plagues demonstrate that God is the one and only true and living God?
- How did the failures of the magicians demonstrate the falsity of their pagan religion?
- How did the responses of Pharaoh and his people increase their own guilt before God?
Day 38: The Passover
Exodus 10–12
Questions for Reflection
- Of what significance was it that the final plague targeted the firstborn sons in Egypt, including Pharaoh’s own son?
- What did the first Passover foreshadow with relation to Christ?
- What does reenacting a work of God on behalf of his people do for those who participate?
Day 39: Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 13–15
Questions for Reflection
- Why were the people so quick to complain against the Lord?
- Does the fact that God used an east wind to make a path for Israel diminish the miraculous nature of the event?
- What can we learn from Moses’s song?
Day 40: Bread from Heaven
Exodus 16
Questions for Reflection
- What do the people’s perpetual complaints against the Lord reveal about them?
- What does the fact that God provided for their needs, even in the midst of their complaints, reveal about him?
- What did the fact that no bread fell on the seventh day reveal about this day?
Memory Verse Help:
2 Corinthians 13:14
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
T g o t L J C a t l o G a t f o t H S b w y a.
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