Abraham and Isaac
Weekly Hymn:
Christ the True and Better - Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
Weekly Catechism:
Why did God make you and all things?
God made me to glorify him and enjoy him forever.
(Ps 19:1; Jer 9:23, 24; Rev 4:11)
Weekly Memory Verse:
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Weekly Readings
Day 6: God Establishes Human Government
Genesis 8:20–9:29; 11:1–9
Questions for Reflection
What did God intend for the purpose of human government?
Why was it wrong for the people to build the Tower of Babel?
Where did the different nations of the world come from?
Day 7: The Call of Abram
Genesis 11:26–12:20
Questions for Reflection
If God promised that Abram’s descendants would inherit the land of Canaan forever, will he keep his promise?
What can Abram’s response to God’s covenant teach us about worship?
How have we non-Jews been blessed by the Abrahamic covenant?
Day 8: Lot
Genesis 13:1–14:16
Questions for Reflection
What do you think motivated Lot to choose the land that he did?
What is revealed about Abram when he allows Lot to choose the land first?
What is revealed about Abram in his successful rescue of Lot?
Day 9: Blessing and Promise
Genesis 14:17–15:21; 16:1–16
Questions for Reflection
How can you be sure God will keep his promises?
Why is it important to believe the promises of God, no matter how impossible they seem?
What promises has God made to you?
Day 10: The Birth of Isaac
Genesis 18:1–15; 21:1–7
Questions for Reflection
Are there any promises God has made to you that seem impossible?
Why do you think God makes promises to us that seem impossible?
What can you do to be sure that you trust in God’s promises no matter what?
Memory Verse Help:
1 Corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
guess the voice
This Week's Contributing Artists:
Catechism-God made all things to glorify him (by Emily W).
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