Water Under the Bridge >

July 7th thru July 13th

…the week in review

July 13, 2024, 6:00 AM

From Sunday-July 7th

Worship Service

The Challenges of Transformation (Sermon Audio)

John 21:15-19

* Four challenges seen in the transformative grace of Jesus.

  • A challenge to self (15a) “ do you love me more than these” intentionally ambiguous- these what? Boat? Fish, other disciples?

    • John 13:37-Peter’s arrogance and self reliance and confidence

    • Matt 26:33-35 "I will never fall away"

  • A challenge to serve (15b-17) Peter denied Jesus three times before his crucifixion, here Jesus challenges him three times; love for Jesus must be in place before service can take place; service is based on love for Jesus

  • A challenge to suffer (18-19a) Jesus tells in what way Peter will suffer when he is old-by dying to the glory of God

    • 1 Pt 4:14-16

  • A challenge to shadow (19b) -“follow me” is to be "in the same way" with someone; present active imperative

*These are Chuck's sermon notes. What did YOU hear preached? Please share in the comments below.

Are you willing to share your notes in a future posting? Contact Chuck!


From Midweek-July 10th


The psalmist declared his love and devotion to the Law, which gave him more understanding and wisdom than his enemies … teachers, and elders (vv. 97–100). By God’s Word he had kept himself pure (vv. 101–102; cf. vv. 9, 104). He extolled the promises of God as sweet (v. 103). Understanding and purity (v. 104) summarize the points made in verses 98–101.


Allen P. Ross, “Psalms,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 881.


Glancing Ahead Sermon Notes for Tomorrow


Mind Your Own Business

John 21:20-25

FOLLOW vv20-23

  • Deut. 29:29

  • Eph. 1:11





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