Water Under the Bridge >

July 14th thru July 20th

…the week in review

July 20, 2024, 6:00 AM

From Sunday-July 14th

Worship Service

Mind Your Own Business-(Sermon Audio)

John 21:20-25

* FOLLOW (vv 20-23) John identifies himself not by name, but by his close relationship with Jesus; you follow me! is an exclamatory statement; 

  • Deut 29:29 there are things that are revealed and things that are not revealed

    • the revealed will of God for Peter is for him to follow Jesus

    • the unrevealed will of God for Peter is to trust in Jesus and focus on the revealed will of God.

  • John stifles the rumors that he will live forever--the message here is to trust and obey

  • Eph. 1:11 works all this according to the counsel of his will--revealed and not revealed

BELIEVE (v 24) eye witness testimony- so that you might believe (end of ch 20) “these things” referring to all that he has written in his gospel

WORSHIP (v 25) John is selective in what he wrote. Jesus did many other things that are not written. John’s purpose for what he wrote is specific--that we might believe!

Examine the evidence! Believe!

*These are Chuck's sermon notes. What did YOU hear preached? Please share in the comments below.

Are you willing to share your notes in a future posting? Contact Chuck!

*John Chapter 21 in 140 Characters: 

Jesus appeared as the disciples were fishing. He said to Peter, "Do you love me? Feed my sheep." The beloved disciple has testified.

* from @BibleSummary

From Midweek-July 10th

God's Word is a Light

Psalm 119:105-112

Recognizing that God’s Word was his light to direct him (cf. v. 130; Prov. 6:23) the psalmist vowed to follow it (Ps. 119:105–106). In his distress (vv. 107–110) he called for help and affirmed that he would joyfully follow God’s statutes and decrees (vv. 111–112).

From: Allen P. Ross, “Psalms,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 881.


Women's Discipleship-Saturday, July20th

This morning, the group finished the study of "Who Am I? Biblical Affirmations About My Identity in Christ!".  Thank you to Jamie McGee for faithfully leading us through the study of these key principles and associated verses.

In August, in lieu of a Saturday morning meeting, there is a camping adventure scheduled for Friday-Saturday, August 16th-17th hosted by Emily Wilkins and Sara Corley.  An email with the option to join a forum for further planning will be coming out next week, so please join the forum if you're interested in this event.

In September, the group will be starting a book discussion led by Betty Payne. Please purchase the 2023 version of When People are Big and God is Small, by Edward T. Welch soon if you will be participating.


Glancing Ahead Sermon Notes for Tomorrow


Tomorrow is Family Room Sunday! Interaction and participation encouraged!

We will be celebrating the Lord's supper together tomorrow-join us as we remember and "proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes." 1 Co 11:24, 26.

We will also be "breaking bread" together after service with Grub and Grow


Did we miss anything? Please leave a comment below. laugh

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