Water Under the Bridge >

August 18th thru August 24th

…the week in review

August 24, 2024, 6:00 AM

From Sunday Service-August 18th

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs


Voice of the Martyrs: Boun of Laos


Family Room Lesson: The Golden Calf

Exodus 32:16-28

Read the text above. Can you retell the story from memory? Use the word cloud as a help.

Grub and Grow

Thank you Betty for sharing your testimony!


From Midweek-August 21st

Psalm 119:121-128


    121     I have done what is just and right; 

do not leave me to my oppressors. 

    122     Give your servant a pledge of good; 

let not the insolent oppress me. 

    123     My eyes long for your salvation 

and for the fulfillment of your righteous promise. 

    124     Deal with your servant according to your steadfast love, 

and teach me your statutes. 

    125     I am your servant; give me understanding, 

that I may know your testimonies! 

    126     It is time for the Lord to act, 

for your law has been broken. 

    127     Therefore I love your commandments 

above gold, above fine gold. 

    128     Therefore I consider all your precepts to be right; 

I hate every false way. 


 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 119:121–128.


Worksheets we used to help us prepare:


Women's Pickleball-Thursday, August 22nd

A great turnout for the final women's pickleball gathering!


Glancing Ahead-Sermon Notes for Tomorrow

Use the following as a framework for taking notes during the sermon tomorrow:


Christ's Love Compels Us
2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Jesus' love for us, seen in his death, compels us to live for Him not for ourselves.

Luke 7:40-47

What now?

Know sin: 

  • Rom 1:29-31, Titus 3:3, 1 Cor 6:9-11


  • Rom 5:6-11, 2 Cor 5:21



  • The Gospel Primer, The Cross Centered Life


  • And Can It Be

  • The Love of God

  • How Deep the Father's Love



Did we miss anything? Please leave a comment below. laugh

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